The Academy Is… – offizieller Fanclub

Die amerikanische Indie Band The Academy Is… hat nun verkündet das sie einen Fanclub gründen möchten.

Hier das offizielle Statement:

Hey there friends, its me Mike Carden.

On Friday, June 22nd, i made a nice little bulletin on the TAI Myspace…

Today, as I walked out of Oceans 13 with my good friends Tony, Michael, Sisky, and William, I got a phone call from my good friend Alex Sarti (not Santi) saying that there was a meltdown happening at the old Lj community.

Santi’s Little Helpers is not ready to launch yet (we haven’t approved it all) but you people are too smart and snuffed it out.

So I have come here to clear the air and to set a few things straight…

Santi’s Little Helpers has been in the works for quite some time and the band couldn’t be more excited to unleash it very soon!!!!

With Santi’s Little Helpers, our goal is for the band to take a step closer to our most incredible fans and to make sure that they get the Royal Treatment they deserve.

We are receiving some negative backlash due to the fact that it costs a bit of dough to join . But heres the deal… Santi’s Little Helpers will not be powered by any big corporation, it is simply us, and a few of our good friends, making an effort to make sure our wonderful fans, have the best experience with the band as possible.

This will include meet and greets (starting on the Sleeping With Giants Tour,) sweet merch, and exclusive artwork including a limited edition Sleeping with Giants Tour poster painted by one of my best friends, the Butcher.

As a member of Santi’s Little Helpers, YOU will be among the first to know when TAI will be coming to your hometown. This way, it is almost certain that you will be able to attend the show. We want to do our best to stop cheapskate ticket scalpers. As a loyal TAI fan you should never have to pay an ungodly amount of money to come see us play.

No one will ever be penalized for not joining the santi’s helpers. Think of it like adding toppings on your ice cream cone. Without the toppings, its still a delicious tasty cone. Some people like toppings, some don’t.

We want you all to know that Santi’s Little Helpers will not disrupt any of our other sweet content on the web, such as TAI TV, Adam T. Siskas Journals, and Jack the Camera Guy’s photos on FRIENDSORENEMIES.COM

Although Fueled By Ramen is the best label in the business, we still had to fight hard to make certain that TAI TV is available as a FREE pod-cast on iTunes. Our band is constantly brainstorming new ways to super-serve our fans and keep the smiles on your faces.

Speaking of smiles… we just received word that our new album SANTI has been voted NUMBER 1 in Alternative Press‘ Readers Poll for the second a month in a row. We have been keeping ourselves busy on the Honda Civic Tour, and we couldn’t have asked for a greater reward from our incredible fans. Heres the link… lets make it 3 months in a row!

~Mike Carden


Hey there, its me Sisky Business. I hope you all enjoyed what my best friend Mike Carden had to say. He is a very wise man, and I have learned a lot from him…

Alright lets not waste any more precious time, lets cut to the chase…

Alright Santi’s Little Helpers, heres the deal…

Tomorrow is a very special day from The Academy Is…

At noon (cst), our brand new video for „Neighbors“ will be released on

At 3 pm (cst), it will also be available for your viewing pleasure at will also be previewing the video as part of a Battle.

I ask all of my good friends from Camp TAI, the Livejournal Community, Friends or Enemies, and MySpace, to unite and help us battle whoever lies in our way tomorrow.

Lets once again, show the world that TAI fans are simply the greatest. If you want to know my honest opinion, we will most likely be up against some manufactured, faceless pop-star with a fake robot voting for them, sent by there record label.

Tomorrow we will work hard for victory, and soon we will rest.

Again, we want to thank all of you for being the most incredible fans on the planet and showing us your true support day in and day out. Santi’s Little Helpers is going to be a wonderful thing, I give you my word.

Sincerely, the nastiest man you know…Sisky Business.

P.S. We are working hard to make Santi’s Little Helpers worldwide for all of our international fans. Santi!!!

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