Poison The Well – Suchen Material für eine DVD

Die Post-Hardcore-/Metalcore-Band Poison The Well aus Miami, plant demnächst eine DVD auf den Markt zu bringen, in diesem Zusammenhang bittet die Band ihre Fans um Mithilfe, die Fans mögen doch bitte angesammeltes Material (Live Bilder/Videos ect.) für die DVD zur Verfügung stellen.

Hier der Aufruf der Band:

We need your help in putting together a retrospective account of the span of the our career thus far. Please send a copy of any video footage you may have taken at a show. The older the better, but all will be accepted and reviewed. All submissions will be considered, very much appreciated, and may be included in this project. No matter the quality of video or audio, please submit what you have in whatever format available. Please send to:

Patti Her
1425 Santa Cruz Avenue
Coral Gables, FL 33134

Thank you very much for your help in making this project possible.

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