A Wilhelm Scream – Album Aufnahmen abgeschlossen

Die Melodic-Hardcore Band A Wilhelm Scream hat verkündet das sie die Arbeiten am neuen bislang noch namenlosen Album abgeschlossen haben. Das Album soll Ende August 2007 via Nitro Records erscheinen und ist der Nachfolger des 2005 erschienenen Albums Ruiner.

Der Gitarrist Trevor Reilly hat folgendes Statement bei MySpace dazu veröffentlicht:

We’re finishing up the sequencing. It’s gonna be a 13 song joint this time. A few songs are over the five minute mark. They’re for the stoners. The vast majority of the record is fast. Very very fast. Actually, I think the whole thing’s fast. The other two songs we recorded will find their way to you in special ways after the record’s out. Those two songs aren’t that fast (comparatively) so they didn’t make the record. We really like them alot, so they will get released, but hey, they weren’t fuckin‘ fast enough!! OK?! This one’s built for speed. Anyway, we’re now compiling our ideas for artwork together and hopefully will be working with some particularly talented fellows soon to make our random ideas come to life. As fans of Mute Print and the Ruiner maybe could tell, we take the artwork very seriously (even though, as I’m told, nobody buys cds anymore! this shit true?!) and we put lots of effort and time and thought into making sure it goes way over most people’s heads! Avoid success!!! We’re going for a nice mix of both records‘ art in style and tone, I think we really got it musically, which was the goal. We fuckin‘ killed ourselves on this one to make sure we didn’t disappoint you guys, the ones who have come see us play live the past two years. These are „live“ songs for sure. Some are very Mute Print-esque, some remind me of Smackin‘ Isaiah, our biggest influence!

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