Jimmy Eat World – neues Album fertig
Die amerikanischen Emo experten von Jimmy Eat World haben es nun vollbracht, sie sind fertig mit den Aufnahmen zu ihrem neuen Album. Sänger Jim Adkins gab folgendes Statement dazu ab:
Done. I declare our album recorded. Next up mixing. We have spent the last few days in la tweaking on some 11th hour changes to the album. Some whip-cracks, explosions, bells, glocks and the occasional reverse cymbal. Wouldn´t be cliche if it didn´t work, right? Seriously. I feel great about this. At this point in the record making process I always get this deep feeling of excitement. As if I am the only one who knows a cool secret. I can´t wait to show you guys what we have been doing for the last year. We have learned a lot making this album and hopefully, we will not take so long between records again.