Across Five Aprils – Lebenszeichen aus dem Studio

Die 2001 gegründete Emocore/Hardcore Band Across Five Aprils sind derzeit im Studio um ihr Label Debut bei Victory Records aufzunehmen. Der Sänger Brandon Mullins gab nun ein kleines schriftliches Statement zu den Arbeiten am Album ab.

Hier das Statement:

I should first start off by saying we aren’t actually in the studio yet. But we have been doing a lot in preparation. However – no pics just yet we will have those later.

Right now we’ve been doing a lot of pre-production here in Chattanooga getting all of the pre-pro stuff over to our producer Matt Goldman. We met with our manager and Matt G last night in Atlanta, GA to see the studio and ask some general questions and just get to know him.

We’re stoked to get into the studio. The plan is to have 10 songs total on the record and we go into Glow In The Dark Studios with Matt Goldman in Atlanta GA in October.

The songs we have written for this record so far are way darker in nature than anything we’ve ever done before, that traditional a5a sound is there but there’s more of an evil feel to them. This record’s heavy parts we want to take to a new level of heavy for a5a. And the melodic parts we want to be less pretty and more raspy and dirty. We want a well recorded produced record that captures the live sound that we feel defines us.

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